Source: 4/24/22
FAIRFIELD — Parents and residents near B. Gale Wilson Elementary School and K.I. Jones Elementary School are outraged to find a halfway house for sexual offenders is right in the middle of the neighborhood where their children go to school.
About 25 parents came out Saturday to B. Gale Wilson to march to the halfway house, protesting all the way.
Richard Creighton and his wife Evelyn have two little boys and they were stunned to find out about the halfway house.
“We live right across the street from the house,” Richard Creighton said.
The house is located on the 2900 block of Waterman Boulevard, less than a mile from both schools.
Creighton has since started a website called Stop ELDA House, which includes information that he and others have gathered on the situation.
ELDA House is an organization that provides services that include reentry housing and substance use services.
I met these guys and they all just want to build new lives for themselves and are determined to do the right thing, despite the persecution and threats of violence against them.
However, they are up against a frenzied, violent, irrational mob who don’t want to know the truth about their actual low risk of re-offense. Ironically, many of those marching don’t even live nearby.
These same protesters would be fine with the halfway house helping murderers and drug dealers.
This is another case of “not in my yard” sentiment that is popular with our society these days. It’s great for politicians to act on so they can get re-elected again and it’s awesome to fan fear into the community to create mob mentality rule.
These kinds of protests betray society’s lack of faith of the rehabilitation from America’s prison system and lack of understanding for the necessary burden communities have to bear for ex-convicts’ to reform them back into law-abiding citizens.
And why only focus on sex offenders? What about drug offenders, drunk drivers, and people convicted of murder being released back? Aren’t they a more common danger to the community (given that drug offenders have over a 60% re-offense rate)? The national narrative puts more emphasizes on sex crimes especially because they grab more headlines than any other more common crimes. These reactions are based on fear over facts.
The only thing missing is the torches and pitchforks.
Looks like the Daily Republic only takes comments it agrees with. Left a comment and it never appeared.
OK. Here’s what I noticed…
“until he saw the information on social media from City Councilwoman Catherine Moy”
290 specifically states that use of the information to deny employment or housing is a civil rights violation.
Seems to ME Councilwoman Moy, and the city of Fairfield are due for a civil rights suit… Right along with a hate crime investigation.
The stress and harm from the protests would also seem to be in line with Thurgood Marshall’s thinking in his 14th amendment argument before the Federal Supreme Court. So there’s existing precedent to build from.
The word families is more or less meaningless. How many is that? Let’s assume voters and assume there are two voters per family.
25 parents X 2 = 50 voters/parents.
Fairfield population:
“a 29-year-old man convicted in 2013 of sodomy by force, violence or fear of a victim who was younger than 14 and released from prison in 2018”
Jesus Christ, I attempt to have consensual sex with a self proclaimed sexually active 13 year old over the internet and I do 5 years 4 months in prison, and top it off with I am a lifetime on the hit list.(forget the fact that I left the meeting place more than 15 minutes before the meeting was supposed to take place, but even though it was factually impossible for me to attempt anything as I was not even at the meeting place at or in my opinion even reasonably near the designated meeting time. I could of been halfway across town in 15 minutes and was in fact nearly 3 miles away heading across town before the cops pulled me over, of course that shit never matters especially with a public pretender that challenges nothing at trial)
All because I went to trial pretty much….. Fking Insane shit country anymore right now
This is so stupid. I thought we were past this. Especially when these vindictive neighbors don’t know that about 95% of sex crimes are committed by people not on the registry. Not to mention the fact that a kid is now more likely to end up having to register as a sex offender, compared to being harmed by one.
It would be ironic if any of these protestor’s kid eventually grows up to make a mistake, is prosecuted for a sex crime, then has to register as a registered sex offender. With about 1,000,000 registered sex offenders in the United States and over 100,000 in California, and given the new complexities of this ‘new society,’ this wouldn’t be too farfetched of a possibility.
Not to mention, like what’s been said here repeatedly, we call ourselves the “Land of the Free,” yet we have a larger prison population than China, North Korea, and Russia, both proportionally and in numbers, combined–and about one-third of Americans have a criminal record more severe than traffic violations.
Man, what a 💩 show.